Angel Sword, Tension, Electric Shock L’International Paris


19 h 00 min - 23 h 00 min

5/7 rue Moret, Paris, 75, 75011

Type d’évènement

CALM -Tournée de concerts. & Heavy Duty présentent:

Angel Sword (Helsinki): NWOTHM at its best, they’ll be ripping the Heavens!
Tension (Leipzig): second French apparition for German hardrocker

CALM -Tournée de concerts. & Heavy Duty présentent:
Angel Sword (Helsinki): NWOTHM at its best, they’ll be ripping the Heavens!

Tension (Leipzig): second French apparition for German hardrockers, real midnight travellers on the run!

Electric Shock (Grenoble): Burn Out was a blast, but those wild bastards won’t rest til death: come get and see the upcoming album played live!

a Midnight Riders Tour

They’ll blow your head and help you forget the Courts Of Chaos Festival hangover!

Le dimanche 19 mai 2019 à l’International (5/7 Rue Moret, 75011 Paris)

Entrée : 10e

Tarifs : prix : 10€

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