Hey Colossus • Disgusting Beauty • Panico Panico / Supersonic


20 h 00 min - 23 h 30 min

9 Rue Biscornet, Paris, 75, 75012

Type d’évènement

▬ Le Supersonic présente ▬


(Noise Post-punk – ALTER / Rocket Recordings – London,UK)

«Hey Colossus will come to perform tracks from their new album ‘Four Bibles’, released 15th May on Alter.
Coming out of London and the South West of England, Hey Colossus are one of Europe’s great live bands. Since 2003 the 6-piece has been driving around the continent with their “pirate ship” backline of broken amps and triple-guitar drang, elevating audiences in every type of venue imaginable; a doctor’s waiting room in Salford, an industrial unit in Liege and a vast field next to a river in Portugal.»

► Liker : https://www.facebook.com/heycolossus/
► Ecouter : https://heycolossus.bandcamp.com/album/four-bibles
► Regarder : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm_3Mievebg

(Psych-punk – Berlin,DE)

«Disgusting Beauty are a Berlin based psych-punk band that consists of musicians from Israel, France, and Argentina.
The sound of Disgusting Beauty is often described as psych-punk. Psych stands for the classic 60’s influences, the experimentation, and most of all the vision of music as a way to elevate and bring listeners to another state of mind. Punk, as singer Silver Cendrey said in an interview to German ׳Schmutz׳ magazine – « is for the DIY, for those winter nights we spent in our freezing cellar, lead guitarist Fran Parisi scratching his fingers on his guitar and me screaming with a broken voice ». Eager to create a more ambitious and experimental sound for the new record, the band self produced and mixed the EP in Berlin’s Funkhaus and at Phil Manzanera’s (Roxy Music) Gallery Studios in London.»

Les 3 influences: Killing Joke, The Stooges, Led Zeppelin

► Liker : https://www.facebook.com/Disgusting2Beauty/
► Ecouter : www.disgustingbeauty.bandcamp.com
► Regarder : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEGiXHJHb0Q

(Musique de la poste/psychiatrique/noise – Salvateur Délit – Paris,FR)

«Panico Panico est un club de musiciens anonymes formé en 2016 à la suite de multiples échecs sociaux, économiques et professionnels. Visant clairement un but lucratif, les quatre membres (dont deux de Mia Vita Violenta et deux de feu Ovny Soft) forment ce collectif alliant la force d’esprit d’un troupeau d’adolescents révoltés à la combativité narcissique et incertaine d’un boy’s band qui chercherait à révolutionner le monde grâce à leur musique. Après avoir bien expérimenté le concept de merditude qui rendait la vie fade et moche, ces quatre bipèdes se lancent à corps perdus dans la création d’une onde bipolaire, psychotique et alarmiste.»

Les 3 influences: June 44, Sonic Youth, Unwound

► Liker : https://www.facebook.com/paniconicopa/
► Ecouter : https://panicopanico.bandcamp.com/
► Regarder : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2ghPlIMStw&t=6s


Lundi 1er Avril 2019
Entrée gratuite jusqu’à 23h

– Ouverture des portes à 18h30
– Début des concerts vers 20h
– Happy Hour de 18h30 à 20h (3€50 la pinte)
– Hot Dog au bar


9 rue Biscornet, 75012 Paris
Métro Bastille (sortie rue de lyon)
Inscription à la newsletter du Supersonic: http://bit.ly/1lWTnx4

Tarifs : Gratuit

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