Jaws Of Love (Local Natives) + Daniel Alexander @ Popup!


20 h 00 min - 23 h 00 min

Le Pop-Up!
14 Rue Abel, Paris, 75, 75012

Type d’évènement

Alias Production & Le Pop-Up du Label présentent…

Jaws of Love le 31 Janvier 2018:

For years, Kelcey Ayer has been one of the vocalists and primary songwriters in Local Natives. Now, he’s stepping out on his own as Jaws Of Love. His debut album Tasha Sits Close To The Piano, named by his wife after their dog Tasha, is coming in the fall, and today he’s sharing its lead single “Jaws Of Love.,” which out as a solo piano ballad before gradually unfurling into floaty indie-rock grandeur. “The whole project is me trying to embrace my nuances and indulge in it,” Ayer explains. “It was such an awesome release making these songs, and that let me embrace who I feel like I am. It was wonderful to not have to explain myself to anyone. I have dark piano music in my heart and soul, and Jaws Of Love. is me at my truest self.” Listen below.



Le Pop Up du Label, 14 Rue Abel, 75012 Paris

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